Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why I want to learn English?

Actually, English is not my thing, but I need it now. At first, when I was studying in the University, I did not need it because my major was Islamic studies and reading Arabic books was required more than reading English literature. It became more of a requirement when I got a job working as a journalist. I always felt some difficulty when my boss gave me the task of interviewing a foreigner who used the English language. I had an experience that I was embarrassed about. I had to interview a mosque imam from the United Kingdom and the topic was democracy and Islamic phobia in the UK. I had no problem in the beginning, but after about thirty minutes, I started to experience problems because of my lack of vocabulary.

I asked him, "No violence in democracy?" "What?" he said. I repeated my question clearly one more time, but he still didn't understand. Then, I asked by changing the structure, "In democracy no violence?" He said to me, "I don't know what you mean?" So, I was confused because of my question. (I thought my question was correct.) Therefore, I want to learn English in order to get more skills in this subject, and so that these kinds of accidents won't happen again. []
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